03.15.16 ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C136 Revises ANSI C136.15-2015 Roadway and Area Lighting…

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ROSSLYN, VA —The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) announced that ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C136 revised ANSI C136.15-2015 Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment—Luminaire Field Identification. This standard provides a simple, uniform method for identifying the type and wattage rating of luminaires used for roadway and area lighting. Types include high-intensity discharge, fluorescent, compact fluorescent, light-emitting diode/solid state lighting, induction, and plasma technologies.

Originally developed by the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C136 on Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment, this revision covers outdoor lighting equipment such as poles, arms, luminaires and control devices.

ANSI C136.15-2015 may be purchased in hard copy or downloaded for $40 on the NEMA website.


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