Ray Kasmark re-elected Chair of the National Lighting Bureau

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Brentwood, TN, December 9, 2019Raymond E. “Ray” Kasmark, Jr. has been re-elected Chairman of the National Lighting Bureau (NLB), the independent, not-for-profit, lighting-education foundation sponsored by professional societies, trade associations, manufacturers, utilities, and agencies of the U.S. government. Mr. Kasmark represents the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers’ (IBEW) on the NLB board of Directors. He is the IBEW’s Director of Business Development.

Howard P. Lewis was re-elected as NLB Vice Chairman.  Mr. Lewis is with Spectro Lume, LLC., and he represents the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).  James M. “Jim” Yorgey, PE, LC, formerly Technical-Applications Manager at Lutron Electronics Company was elected Treasurer. Cary Mendelsohn, owner of Imperial Lighting Maintenance Co. and representing the International Association of Lighting Management Companies, was elected Secretary.

In addition, five at-large directors were elected: Jeremy Yon of GE Current, Terry McGowan of Lighting Ideas and representing the International Dark Sky Association (IDA), Ruby Jadwet of Truly Green Solutions, Mir Mustafa of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and Karen Willis of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).

Recently, the NLB launched its Tesla Awards™, honoring excellence in new construction and retrofit designs that enhance the value of lighting for people. Mary Beth Gotti chairs the program.   Awardees will be recognized on Wednesday, May 6th at LightFair in Las Vegas.  Submissions are open now for the Tesla Awards at https://www.nlb.org/tesla-award/.

In addition, the NLB continues its work developing a “Trusted Warranty” evaluation program, which will be launched in early 2020.  

Obtain more information about the Bureau by visiting its website, nlb.org, or by contacting its staff at info@nlb.org or 615-379-7707.

About the NLB.  

The National Lighting Bureau is an independent, IRS-recognized not-for-profit, educational foundation that has served as a trusted lighting-information source since 1976. The NLB is focused on Promoting Lighting Excellence™ and helping the lighting industry solve its business problems.  The NLB exists to create demand for High Benefit Lighting—efficient lighting designed to optimize human performance, health, safety, and commerce by educating and acknowledging those who make and influence decisions about lighting.   The Bureau provides its services to the public free of charge, thanks to the generous funding of the organization’s sponsors: professional societies, trade associations, labor unions, manufacturers, and agencies of the U.S. government.


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