06.26.17 Linear Fluorescent Lamp Indexes Decrease in the First Quarter of 2017

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The linear florescent lamp index continues a downward trend, T5, T8, and T12 lamps all posted a quarter-over-quarter decrease for 1Q 2017 compared to 4Q 2016 of 0.7 percent, 3.7 percent, and 12.4 percent, respectively. The index for T8 lamps which account for 62.4 percent of the consumer lamp market decreased on a year-over-year basis by 17.4 percent in 1Q 2017 compared to 1Q 2016. T5 and T12 shipments also continued to decline decreasing by 26.6 and 19.4 percent respectively on a year-over-year basis.

NEMA/BIS has added T-LED shipments to the market penetration graph to begin tracking their impact on the market. When more historical data is available T-LED shipments will be added to the index. In 1Q 2017 T-LEDs accounted for 15.3 percent of the florescent lamp shipments.  T5 lamps claim a 9.2 percent share of the 1Q 2017 market and T12 lamps 13.1 percent.


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