NEMA Welcomes Creation of Congressional Electrification Caucus

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In response to the recently announced formation of the first-ever bicameral Electrification Caucus in Congress, National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) President and CEO Debra Phillips issued the following statement:

“America’s electrical manufacturers are the backbone of a more connected, resilient, and sustainable future.  We are pleased to see Congressional leaders recognize the essential role electrification plays in modernizing our infrastructure, enhancing the quality of life for all Americans and growing a sustainable economy.  NEMA has long advocated for legislative enablers to electrify the nation’s buildings, ports, rail lines, and vehicles and modernize the power grid.  We believe these investments will unlock a plethora of opportunities for American businesses and workers. NEMA members look forward to working with the new Electrification Caucus to advance these critical policy priorities, and we encourage all members of the House and Senate to join the cause.”

The new bicameral Electrification Caucus in Congress was announced on November 17, 2021, by Chair Kathy Castor (D-FL) of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, U.S. Representative Paul Tonko (D-NY), and U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and Tina Smith (D-MN).


The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) represents nearly 325 electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers that make safe, reliable, and efficient products and systems.Our combined industries account for 370, 000 American jobs in more than 6,100 facilities covering every state.These industries produce $130 billion in shipments and $38 billion in exports of electrical equipment and medical imaging technologies per year.

Provided courtesy of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association


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