01.21.15 T12 Lamp Index Increases During Third Quarter of 2014

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ROSSLYN, VA—NEMA’s shipment index for T12 lamps bested the previous two quarters by advancing 8.6 percent from the second quarter to the third. In contrast, shipments of T5 and T8 lamps decreased by 6.6 and 11.1 percent, respectively. All three indexes are in negative territory on a year-over-year basis for 2014 through the third quarter.

T12 lamps secured an increase in market share for the quarter posting a gain of 3.2 percentage points to reach a share of 22.2 percent. The share of T5 lamps was unchanged at 10 percent. Meanwhile, the market share for T8 lamps decreased to 67.8 percent.

NEMA is the association of electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers, founded in 1926 and headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia. Its nearly 400 member companies manufacture a diverse set of products including power transmission and distribution equipment, lighting systems, factory automation and control systems, and medical diagnostic imaging systems. Total U.S. shipments for electroindustry products exceed $100 billion annually.


National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Visit our website at www.nema.org


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