01.21.16 NEMA Publishes NEMA SSL 7A-2015 Phase-Cut Dimming for Solid State Lighting—Basic Compatibility

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ROSSLYN, VA—The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published NEMA SSL 7A-2015 Phase-Cut Dimming for Solid State Lighting—Basic Compatibility. This standard provides compatibility requirements when a forward phase-cut dimmer is combined with one or more dimmable light-emitting diode (LED) light engines (LLEs). An LLE, for the purposes of this document, comprises one or more LED modules, LED control gear (integral or remote), and a connection to the mains circuit.

Originally developed in 2013 by the NEMA Lighting Controls Committee, this revision eliminates the category differentiation of Type 1 and Type 2 dimmers. It also clarifies test condition language.

“Engaging a broad range of stakeholders has allowed NEMA’s work in LED dimming to have national and international impact,” said Dr. Robert Nachtrieb, chair of the NEMA Lighting Controls section and Lead Scientist at Lutron Electronics.

NEMA SSL 7A-2015 may be purchased in hard copy or downloaded for $60 on the NEMA website.


Tracy Cullen

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) represents nearly 400 electrical, medical imaging, and radiation therapy manufacturers at the forefront of electrical safety, reliability, resilience, efficiency, and energy security. Our combined industries account for more than 400,000 American jobs and more than 7,000 facilities across the U.S. Domestic production exceeds $117 billion per year.


National Electrical Manufacturers Association
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