01.22.15 HID Lamp Shipment Indexes Relinquish Recent Gains

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ROSSLYN, VA—High intensity discharge (HID) lamp shipments, as measured by NEMA’s HID indexes, showed quarterly declines in two of the three lamp types. Sodium- and mercury-vapor lamps slipped 8.9 and 10.9 percent, respectively, from the second quarter to the third quarter. Only the index for metal halide increased during the quarter, posting a modest gain of 2 percent.

Shipments of metal halide lamps increased 2.7 percentage points to a share of 63.5 percent of the HID market. The market share for sodium vapor lamps slipped to 32.7 percent, a decline of 2.3 percentage points. Mercury vapor lamps decreased by 0.4 points to a share of 3.8 percent.

NEMA is the association of electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers, founded in 1926 and headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia. Its nearly 400 member companies manufacture a diverse set of products including power transmission and distribution equipment, lighting systems, factory automation and control systems, and medical diagnostic imaging systems. Total U.S. shipments for electroindustry products exceed $100 billion annually.


National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Visit our website at www.nema.org


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