01.31.19 New Standard Available for Wireless Networked Lighting Controllers for Use with Roadway and Area Lighting Systems

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ROSSLYN, Va., January 31, 2019—The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published ANSI C136.48-2018 American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment—Wireless Networked Lighting Controllers.

“C136.48 defines hardware and software components of wireless networked lighting controllers (NLC) and the means used to connect devices with a central control management system,” said Mark Wilbur, Standard Technical Coordinator, GE Lighting, and Chair of the working group that created ANSI C136.48.

Developed by the ANSI Committee for Outdoor Lighting, this new Standard defines the minimum requirements for wireless NLCs intended for use with roadway and area lighting systems.

ANSI C136.48-2018 is available in hard copy or as an electronic download for $63 on the NEMA website.

The ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) C136 for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment is currently seeking interested members, particularly in the underrepresented categories of End User and General Interest.


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