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ROSSLYN, VA—The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published ANSI C136.34-2014 American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment—Vandal Shields for Roadway and Area Lighting Luminaires. This standard is useful to roadway and area lighting manufacturers, municipalities, and utilities.

ANSI C136.34 was developed by ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) 136, and covers supplementary vandal shields used to protect luminaires and luminaire accessories used for roadway and area lighting. Revisions to this version include updated references, added section titles, and revised language to be consistent with other C136 standards.

ANSI C136.34-2014 may be downloaded or purchased in hard copy for $52 on the NEMA website.

NEMA is the association of electrical equipment and medical imaging manufacturers, founded in 1926 and headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia. Nearly 400 members strong, its companies manufacture a diverse set of products including power transmission and distribution equipment, lighting systems, factory automation and control systems, and medical diagnostic imaging systems. Total U.S. shipments for electroindustry products exceed $100 billion annually.


National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Visit our website at www.nema.org


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