Healthē by Lighting Science Collaborates with the NLB

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July 23, 2019 (Cocoa Beach, FL) — Healthe® is excited to announce a collaboration with the National Lighting Bureau. Along with the growing number of sponsors, Health and the NLB will work together to develop and implement programs, encourage honest business practices, and continue to address the non-energy benefits of LED lighting.

Jay Goodman VP, Strategy for Healthē by Lighting Science said “The contribution lighting can make to health and wellness is pretty evident and as an industry, the more we collectively learn, validate and educate, the better it will be for everyone; in particular for the millions of people living under the lights. I’m thrilled to join industry peers including Current, Lutron and several other companies in advocating on behalf of the new technologies that are here as well as so many of the new technologies that are coming. I’m especially looking forward to NLB’s Annual Lighting Forum in September”

Randy Reid, NLB Executive Director, said, “We are very excited to have Healthe® join our growing organization. They are the sixth company to sign-up in the past few months and we are very excited to have one of the boldest leaders in light and health on our Board to help steer our activities.”

Healthe® and its representatives will be present at the Annual Lighting Forum in Washington D.C. on September 26th. The forum will present five panels in an effort to educate the lighting community and the general public.

About Healthe®, Inc.
Healthe® is the technological leader in developing and deploying engineered spectrums for biological and circadian solutions that help regulate the body’s internal clock, boost performance, enhance sleep and improve air quality. Learn more at and join us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

About the NLB.
The NLB is focused on Promoting Lighting Excellence™ and helping the lighting industry solve its business problems. The NLB exists to create demand for High Benefit Lighting®–efficient lighting designed to optimize human performance, health, safety, and commerce—by educating those who make and influence decisions about lighting.


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