Lighting For Seniors

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What makes lighting for seniors different than lighting for the rest of consumers?  A just-released video of a panel discussion, “Lighting for Seniors”, is now available for free viewing or download. Watch the video and learn about the effect lighting can have on seniors.

Brentwood, TN March 4, 2020 – “The eyes of seniors are different than the eyes of everyone else.”  Experts, Robert Soler of BIOS Lighting and Terry McGowan of the IEEE discussed vision optimization for seniors.  Randy Reid, the NLB Executive Director and Editor of the EdisonReport moderated the panel.

A great way to increase vision optimization, and quality of life, for seniors is through the use of circadian lighting.  Circadian lighting tries to replicate lighting outdoors and bring that lighting indoors.  This means bringing in brighter days and darker nights to seniors’ physiology which has been seen to result in less daytime napping, less nighttime wandering, reduction in Alzheimer’s progress, less sundowning, and less emotional outbursts.  One of the best ways to bring in brighter days and darker nights is by creating a brighter environment or a greater spectrum of lighting.

Today, there are more resources and information on lighting for the aging eye than ever before.  Assisted living facilities are adopting both color tuning routines, and the use of far-red wavelengths.

You may be asking yourself, “What can I do?”  Since lighting is very individual, if you have older eyes or know someone with older eyes, it is best to go through the experience of testing what lighting works best. The experts recommend actually going into lighting showrooms where someone with older eyes can physically test which lighting helps them see, and feel, best.

The eyes of seniors truly are different than the eyes of everyone else, and that is why it is so important to continue to research the effects lighting has on the aging eye.

Watch and listen to the panel discussion here.

The National Lighting Bureau is an independent, IRS-recognized, not-for-profit, educational foundation that has served as a trusted lighting-information source since 1976. The NLB is focused on Promoting Lighting Excellence™ and helping the lighting industry solve its business problems. The Bureau provides its services to the public free of charge, thanks to the generous funding of the organization’s sponsors: professional societies, trade associations, labor unions, manufacturers, and agencies of the U.S. government, including: BIOS, Finelite, GE Current, Mary Beth Gotti, General Services Admministration (GSA), Healthé, IBEW, IES, Imperial Lighting Maintenance, Inspired LED, International Dark Sky Association, Kurtzon, Ledvance, Lutron, LumEfficient, NALMCO, NECA, NEMA, New Star Lighting, QSSI, The Pompeo Group, Truly Green Solutions, Universal Lighting Technologies, JMY Solutions, ZLED Lighting.

Obtain more information about the Bureau by visiting its website ( or by contacting its staff at or 615.379.7707.


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