NALMCO Spring Seminar Experiences Record-Breaking Success

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Ankeny, IA | March 9, 2020

The interNational Association of Lighting Management Companies® (NALMCO®) hosted their annual Spring Seminar on March 3-5, 2020 in Atlanta, GA, sponsored by Acuity Brands. This year, attendance was record-breaking, with over 160 lighting professionals gathering for the meeting.

Attendees received expert knowledge and perspective on topics that included the application of IoT in lighting, wireless controls, and networked lighting systems.

NALMCO members also enjoyed a tour of the Conyers Center for Light & Space, housed in the Acuity Brands Corporate Campus, where they experienced real-world lighting applications and heard from Acuity leaders and product experts.

The excitement and buzz throughout the 1.5-day event left attendees ready to navigate and lead the future of lighting management and IoT. Spring Seminar has proven to be the premier lighting event for hands-on, fast-paced, technical training, and plans are already underway for next spring’s event:

Spring Seminar 2021

March 2–4, 2021

Orlando, Fla.

Hosted by Lighting Resources, LLC


About NALMCO: The interNational Association of Lighting Management Companies has been the voice of the lighting industry since 1953. Over the course of six decades, NALMCO has been on the cutting edge of technological advances and best practices in the lighting industry. The association offers opportunities to members for networking, certification and referrals and provides a forum to facilitate new ideas and business opportunities within the lighting industry.


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