NECA and Hyatt Collaborate To Ensure Your Safety at EXPO 2021 in Seattle

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If you have registered to attend EXPO or plan to do so soon, NECA and the Hyatt Regency Seattle are prepared to welcome you and we are fully committed to provide a clean, safe and comfortable environment for our annual event on Oct. 17 through Oct. 20.

Our EXPO planning group visited the Hyatt recently to make final arrangements and report everything is on schedule. Here are some of the many safety protocols in place:

  • Throughout our meeting, Hyatt staff will wipe down meeting spaces during breaks and use a static cleaner in each room overnight.
  • COVID-19 care stations are placed in each meeting room and common areas. The stations offer gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and masks to all.
  • Meals will be one-sided buffets only to maintain social distancing. Each buffet will have carry-out containers if you prefer to take your meal to your room or elsewhere.
  • Meeting rooms will allow for recommended social distancing.
  • All Hyatt employees and NECA staff will wear masks and personal protective equipment.
  • The state of Washington currently requires masks be worn in all indoor public settings regardless of vaccination status. The Hyatt is requiring masks be worn in all their public indoor spaces, but masks will not be required in the meeting rooms (you’ll be social distanced). All requirements are subject to modification as state COVID-19 statistics change, and we will keep you apprised of the situation. We thank you for your cooperation in following all these necessary safety measures.

Renew acquaintances and make new friends with comfort

We are also aware of the possible awkwardness of meeting and greeting your colleagues. We can help alleviate some of that. When you receive your name tag after you check in at the registration desk, please choose and attach a colored dot sticker to your badge to indicate your contact preference:

GREEN: Handshakes and high fives are welcome.

YELLOW: Elbows only please.

RED: No physical contact please, but smiles are encouraged!

We hope to see you in Seattle. We will make every effort to ensure your safety and as always, provide a comprehensive educational experience. Should you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Sue Barrett or Nancy Turnbo.


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