NEMA Joins with Major Trade Associations to Offer Warnings on Tariffs

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The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) joined the National Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM), the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), and the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) to offer support to public comments from each group related to the serious economic impacts of Section 232 and 301 tariffs.
The letter to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai brought together manufacturers representing more than $591 billion in economic impact and 2.7 million employees to highlight the need for a secure, economical, and accessible supply of manufacturing components, steel, and aluminum and the risks that tariffs pose to those supplies.
The partnered trade associations recently published a joint white paper on the topic showcasing the impacts that tariffs can have on already-strained supply chains and the broader economy.
“NEMA is proud to offer its support to comments from the AHAM, AHRI, and NAFEM—organizations that, like NEMA, provide vital products for everyday Americans across dozens of industries and play crucial roles in domestic manufacturing sectors threatened by tariffs,” NEMA President and CEO Debra Phillips said. “While the fundamental goal of creating high-paying American jobs and shoring up domestic supply chains is laudable, many of these tariffed goods are vital inputs for domestic manufacturing. Increasing the cost of these components puts domestic manufacturing at a global disadvantage and contributes to inflation.”
“We call on the Administration to work with Congress to offer a fair and transparent exclusion process or lift overly restrictive Section 232 and 301 tariffs that have led to needless costs on consumers and businesses. Reducing or eliminating these tariffs can have a tangible impact on competitiveness and inflation at a vital time for the U.S. economy and American consumers,” Phillips said.
The full text of NEMA’s comments on Section 301 and 232 tariffs can be found here.


About NEMA

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association is the voice of the electroindustry representing electrical and medical imaging systems manufacturers ranging from large global businesses to cutting-edge startups. Members provide safe and reliable access to electricity, electrical devices, and ever-improving healthcare technologies and treatments.

Provided courtesy of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association


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