NLB Hosts Inaugural Tesla Awards

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BRENTWOOD, TN, June 24, 2020—This June the National Lighting Bureau (NLB) launched its inaugural Tesla Awards. Nine Tesla Awards were given, five of which went to Fisher Marantz Stone:

Staying true to its mission, the NLB created the Tesla Awards to honor lighting projects that provide High-Benefit Lighting®, or lighting that promotes human performance, health, safety, and commerce.  Not only do the winning projects showcase the value of lighting, but they also demonstrate the best practices in lighting design, as well as the importance of collaboration.

Initially, the awards were to be presented during LightFair, following the format of a traditional awards show.  However, because of the pandemic, the NLB conducted the awards online, giving awardees the chance to speak in-depth about their projects and the challenges associated with them. At the end, the judges were able to ask probing questions in an open-mic format.

Randy Reid, Executive Director stated, “To my knowledge, there has never been a more detailed award presentation in our industry.  It is an excellent tool to learn the secrets from some of the best designers in lighting.”

The full interviews with the Fisher Marantz Stone team can be found here, and the remaining four interviews can be found here.

The Bureau provides its services to the public free of charge, thanks to the generous funding of the organization’s sponsors which include individuals, professional societies, trade associations, labor unions, manufacturers, and agencies of the U.S. government, including:

Obtain more information about the Bureau by contacting its staff at or visiting its website (, where information about sponsorship also is available.

About the National Lighting Bureau:

The National Lighting Bureau is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1976 to educate lighting decision-makers about the benefits of High-Benefit Lighting®. The NLB is sponsored by professional societies, trade associations, manufacturers, unions, utilities, and agencies of the federal government.


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