Tim Licitra: Why Supporting LightFair is Important

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LightFair…those of us that are in or around the lighting industry all know its importance to our respective businesses. Whether it is the opportunity to showcase your newest product line, meet with prospective and current clients, see the latest innovative technologies being introduced to our industry, continuing your professional education, or not wanting to risk lost business by not having a presence, we all place a value on what LightFair brings to our company.

There is no doubt that when deciding to be an exhibitor or an attendee at LightFair, one takes into account this value, but have you ever taken into account the value that LightFair brings to the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD)?

The IES and IALD are co-owners of LightFair and its success directly impacts both organizations. At the IES we have been able to increase the value that we bring to our members, strategic partners and the global lighting industry because of the positive impact that being a co-owner of LightFair has had on us.

Over the last few years we have been able to invest in increasing the educational content that we deliver to our members and the general public, as well as introduce new websites and platforms to support our dedicated volunteer base. We have also produced valuable conferences (IES Annual Conference, Street and Area Lighting Conference, and Research Symposium), created the new IES eLearning Portal, improved the process by which we manage creating and updating our standards and technical documents, have been working on the new Lighting Library, which will be launched in August 2020, and much much more.

There is so much that LightFair 2020 in Las Vegas has to offer. Whether it is improving your bottom line or supporting the IES and IALD, we hope that you find a reason to be at LightFair this year.

If it were not for your support of LightFair, we would not be in the position we are today as The Lighting Authority. So THANK YOU…thank you to those that exhibit at the tradeshow, thank you to those that participate in the educational sessions, thank you to those that are attendees, thank you to those that are sponsors, thank you to those that submit for the LightFair Innovation Awards (LIAs), and thank you to LightFair.


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